I want to repeat something I have said before. These are medical groups, and as such they only comment on the medical effects of ganja. Just as they do not comment on the recreational use of alcohol or "endorse" recreational alcohol use, except in terms of the medical effect, they do not specifically endorse ganja for recreational use. However, if one closely examines the statements that these groups make, it is clear that what they are saying can also be applied to the recreational use of ganja. For instance, if the American Psychiatric Association says that the claims of ganja causing mental illness are overblown, that also applies to ganja's recreational use.
(I would like to thank fellow ganjaist Den De Cannabist for compiling this list.)
College Physicians Argue for Legalization of MMJ March 07, 2008
Physician Group Urges Research On Marijuana February 26, 2008
Doctors Demolish Myths on Medical Marijuana February 23, 2008
Doctors Group Backs Marijuana for Medical Uses February 15, 2008
Physicians Group Urges Easing of Ban on Marijuana February 14, 2008
APA Awards Unanimous Support for Medical Marijuana November 08, 2007
American Nurses Association Endorses Access to Medical Marijuana 7/3/03
American Psychiatric Association Assembly Unanimously Backs Medical Marijuana Nov-07-2007
The FDA should change its name to the Politically Approved Food and Drug Administration - PAFDA. It's a longer acronym, but it rolls off the tongue nicely and people would appreciate its greater honesty. The agency's other option is to stop embarrassing its dedicated doctors and scientists with utterly unscientific announcements such as the recent bulletin that smoked marijuana has no medicinal value. -- A Register-Guard Editorial May 01, 2006
Oregon Being Alive January 3, 1996
Belgian Ministry of Health September 4, 2003
British House of Lords Select Committee on Science and Technology November 11, 1998
British House of Lords Select Committee on Science and Technology (Second Report) March 14, 2001
British Medical Association November 1997
California Academy of Family Physicians February 1994
California Nurses Association September 21, 1995
California Pharmacists Association May 26, 1997
Canadian AIDS Society (Societe canadienne du sida) May 20, 2004
Canadian Special Senate Committee on Illegal Drugs September 2002
Colorado Nurses Association 1995
Connecticut Nurses Association October 2004
Dean Edell, M.D. March 2, 2000
Federation of American Scientists November 1994
Florida Governor's Red Ribbon Panel on AIDS January 1993
Florida Medical Association June 1997
French Ministry of Health December 7, 1997
Hawaii Nurses Association October 21, 1999
Health Canada December 19, 1997
* The Canadian government legalized the use of medical marijuana on July 31, 2001.
Illinois Nurses Association December 2004
Kaiser Permanente April 1997
Lymphoma Foundation of America January 20, 1997
Medical Society of the State of New York May 7, 2004
Mississippi Nurses Association October 27, 1995
The Montel Williams MS Foundation Multiple Sclerosis Society (Canada) July 2001
The Multiple Sclerosis Society (United Kingdom) August 2003
National Association for Public Health Policy November 15, 1998
National Nurses Society on Addictions May 1, 1995
Netherlands Ministry of Health* September 1, 2003.
National Academy of Sciences Institute of Medicine (IOM) 1999
* The Dutch government made marijuana available by prescription on September 1, 2003.
New England Journal of Medicine January 30, 1997
New Jersey State Nurses Association March 25, 2002
New Mexico Medical Society January 21, 2002
New Mexico Nurses Association July 28, 1997
New South Wales (Australia) Parliamentary Working Party on the use of Cannabis for Medical Purposes 9: August 2000
New York County Medical Society February 23, 2004
New York State Nurses Association June 7, 1995
North Carolina Nurses Association October 15, 1996
Rhode Island Medical Society Reference: Steve DeTroy, Director of Government and Public Affairs
Rhode Island State Nurses Association April 6, 2004
San Francisco Mayor's Summit on AIDS and HIV January 27, 1998
San Francisco Medical Society August 8, 1996
Virginia Nurses Association October7, 1994
Andrew Weil, M.D. July 1999
Vermont Medical Marijuana Study Committee December 2002
Whitman-Walker Clinic April 1998
Wisconsin Nurses Association October 29, 1999
Health Organizations Supporting Medical Marijuana Research American Cancer Society July 24, 1997
British Medical Journal April 4, 1998
California Medical Association April 1997
California Society on Addiction Medicine (CSAM) 1997
Congress of Nursing Practice May 31, 1996
Jamaican National Commission on Ganja August 7, 2001
Gay and Lesbian Medical Association May 1995
National Institutes of Health (NIH)
Workshop on the Medical Utility of Marijuana August 1997
Texas Medical Association April 29, 2004
Vermont Medical Society February 10, 2003
Wisconsin State Medical Society 2000-2001
*The AMA recommend that adequate and well-controlled studies of smoked marijuana be conducted in patients who have serious conditions for which preclinical, anecdotal, or controlled evidence suggests possible efficacy in including AIDS wasting syndrome, sever acute or delayed emesis induced by chemotherapy, multiple sclerosis, spinal cord injury, dystonia, and neuropathic pain. -- Reference: American Medical Association Council on Scientific Affairs Report #10: Medical MarijuanaRemember, folkls, these are real doctors who see real patients. These are not people paid by the government to concoct "studies" and "research" that never looks at a single real person.
In fact, one of the NIDA's cheif researchers over the decades has been Dr. Donald Tashkin. It is the initial statements that Dr. Tashkin made that ganja use MIGHT cause cancer or COPD that they love to quote so much. What they do not want to tell you (NIDA has so far even refused to publish the results of the study THAT THEY PAID FOR!) is that Dr. Tashkin, using a grant from NIDA based on his initial statements, actually proved the OPPOSITE and that Tashkin himself has said that not only does even heavy use of ganja NOT cause cancer OR COPD, it has a PREVENTATIVE EFFECT!!!
Sunday, May 11, 2008
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5/11/2008 11:56:00 AM
bill of rights,
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FUN Stuff!
I got to the WORM!

I'll tell you the truth, In the state of Iowa you can buy alcohol 24/7 and there are both hetro and homosexual people and parties to find, yet there is no such thing as "Medical Marijuana." To them "Medical Marijuana" is an oxymoron. Where the truth is our politicians like senior Sen Tom Harkin (D-IA) are just morons. Sen Harkin (D-IA) says marijuana, medically or otherwise, is as addictive as heroin, cocaine and meth. Harkin states in his "War On Drugs" form letter "If you smoke marijuana you will find yourself huddle'ed in a corner willing to sell your children for just one more puff of marijuana." Please, spare me. OK, fine, all versions of these illegal drugs are available in more pure prescription form, and all are addictive, fatal and legal. Marijuana is not addictive nor fatal and has over 2,000 years of medically documented efficacy and toxicity safety i.e. you cannot OD on it and it causes no ill effects to the mind or body even by smoking over a long period of time. With present day recognition of its medical efficicy and safety marijuana continues to be denied by the U.S. Govt as a drug with medical value. I want so much to live with Sen Tom Harkin without marijuana to control the waves of nausea I surf from mild to severe every hour of everyday. If not controlled the nausea leads to 12-24 hour long vomiting sessions. I'd just point my mouth in Sen Harkin's way and spew. He will change his mind real quick then. But what we must do is use our vote and remove him from office. There is no konwn drug, other than marijuana, that controls long term chronic nausea from Diabetic Neuropathic Gastro Paresis. Marinol is more expensive and ineffective, Sativex might be acceptable but again our gov't will not allow it to be dispensed. We must return to a government Of the People, By the People and For the People, legalize marijuana and continue research into its healing properties.
ReplyDeleteI am not so certain about Sativex. The studies conducted with Sativex, as well as the experience of those in Great Britain, where one can get prescription Sativex, is that it is less than useful for fast onset problems like breakthrough pain in chronic pain patients and sudden onset nausea and vomiting.
ReplyDeleteUnlike whole cannabis which feratures an almost immediate onset of threapeutic effect, and a maximum 20 minute onset of therapeutic effect, Sativex takes two to three HOURS to provide relief. Also, it is very difficult to manage the dose. It would be those two to three hours before one would know if the dose is strong enough, or too strong. Too strong leads to undesirable side effects, not strong enough would require redosing and waiting MORE hours for relief.
I'm not saying that for patients that Sativex is effective for that it should not be available; it should be available. All I am saying is that there are still some problems when compared to whole cannabis.