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Know the Facts - Change the Law
Life - Liberty - Pursuit of Happiness

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Ganja arrest incident to the commission of crime still the number one reason for ganja arrests


free website countersSome important notes, here. The ganja arrest, like all ganja arrests in Delaware, was incident to the commission of another crime.  The ganja arrest was almost non-incidental – charged and released. If not for asinine ganja prohibition laws, the ganja would no more have been a part of the bust and story than if they had a six pack of beer in the fridge or a pack of cigs in their pockets.

Finally, the invasion of the home in the story was done without a warrant, no drugs were found in the home, and the cops acted against the innocent homeowners with brutality (typical for pigs in this state).


Graver and Jamison Spangle, 35, of Georgetown, were arrested at a local pharmacy, said state police spokesman Cpl. Thomas Guarini.

Spangle, who was in possession of marijuana, was charged with marijuana possession and released, Guarini said.

6 arrested in drug raid near Rehoboth Beach

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