Know the Facts - Change the Law

Know the Facts - Change the Law
Life - Liberty - Pursuit of Happiness

Friday, October 9, 2009

If ganja were legal ...

There is no excuse for the burglaries and other nonsense this pair seems to have been involved in.
Nonetheless, that they had a plant and two ounces of ganja are as pertinent as if they had beers in the 'fridge.  Well, it would be if Delaware passed a comprehensive ganja reform bill instead of the two steps backward so-called "medical" marijuana Senate Bill 94.

Please take a few moments to send emails to your representatives and senators demanding the re-legalization of marijuana.

The links to send free emails to your state congress critter along with suggested text are at

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Former marines face burglary, drug charges

a marijuana plant and nearly two ounces of the drug. "They were taking jewelry and pawning it,'' county police spokesman Officer John Weglarz Sr. said.

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